
Since the beginning of the year - I have had many requests for more information on some of the distinctions created on our coaching calls.  Given that we are out to cause the YEAR OF ULTIMATE SUCCESS, I decided that I would start sending out some of the main distinction that are being used very effectively in those moving forward with velocity.

Feel free to ask for more coaching on these items on your regular coaching calls.


2012 – The Year of Ultimate Success

Tip of the week – This week I am inviting everyone to explore the world of “Trust”.  How does trust impact your life?  Your job? Your relationships? The view of the world you have? 

Stephen Covey once said, “Trust is the foundation of everything we do and the key leadership competency of the new global economy.” 

So what does that mean for you and what you are up to?  Unless you are clear on the key distinctions and develop yourself to be someone that can recognize when issues of trust are at play, you will forever be at the effect of the assessments that you and others are making regarding your own trustworthiness and the trustworthiness of others.

Over the next couple of weeks I will share with you some of the distinctions of Charles Feltman in his book, “The Thin Book of TRUST: An Essential Primer for Building Trust at Work”.  Today we start with the definition.  “Trust: Choosing to risk making something you value vulnerable to another person’s actions.”

Take a look right now.  In all of the category areas that we have been at work on, where do you choose “to risk making something you value vulnerable to another person’s actions”?  That’s right!  Pretty much everywhere!  Now, how can you use trust in a way that is productive and not disempowering? 

This week start by noticing where issues of trust are getting in the way.  Keep track of them.  Write them down on your barriers or roadblocks list.  Remember, 95% of all roadblock are Disempowering Conversations!  What could be more disempowering than not trusting yourself or others!  Keep me posted on how this is going….